티스토리 뷰
후기입니다! -책을 공부? 읽다보니.. 너무너무 재밌어요! 제가 이 프리즌 브레이크를 안보고 공부할려니깐..ㄷㄷㄷ 미드를 보고..볼까?>생각도했지만...시간이없는관계로,그냥 책만봤다능! 하지만!!! 너무너무 재밌게 일었어요,, 처음에 단어,! 우리가 (학교,,학원,,등)에서 배워보지 못햇던?단어가 꽤 있더라고요,, 그런점에서 재미와 신기함과,.,.두번째 문법? 여기서 나오는 대사속 문법이? 있어요,, 이걸 보면서,,너무너무 재밌어서 좋앗어요,,제가 재밌었다는 이유는,, 제가! 학교에서 배운 문법도 나오고!! 아! 이장면에서는 이대사가 나왔지하면서(그냥... 봣다치고,,)또 생각을해서 재밌게 본거갔네요,,! 암튼 너무 재밌엇어요,,그냥 가슴이 두근두근거렷다그럴까나..?ㅋㅋ 문법??,,이 재밌엇어요,,학교에서배운게..진짜 사용되나..솔직히 의심됫걸랑요,근데 대본을짧게 옮겨놔서 볼수도있고! 마지막에 숙어?단어?같은데 또 있더라구요,, 여기서도 내가 알지못햇던,, 진짜 회화에서 쓰이는 말이 나와서 우와~(제가 회화를 알고싶엇거든요,,)하면서 읽고 재밌게 봤담니다...! 통합해서... → 이책은 재밌다.보면,,후회는...잘 안할꺼같다.. 그리고 너무 공부! 목적으로 보시면,,쫌,,원하는답이 안나올꺼같구요! 이 프리즌 브레이크 를 보고 ! 아 이거 재밌었는데하거나.. 미드에 나오는말,,이뭔지 궁금하다! 하시는 분이 보면 좋을 꺼 같네요! 그리고 이걸보면 아~~ 아~~ 라는 감탄사가 많이 나오더라구용,ㅋㅋㅋ 암튼! 좋아욤,,ㅎㅎ
미국 드라마를 자막없이 보고 싶은 분!PrisonBreak를 보면, 계속 반복적으로 나오는 Key가 되는 단어들이 있다. 이런 주요 단어들을 Episode마다 7-8개를 골라 영영사전의 정의 및 해당 대사(DVD시간 수록)와 함께, 생생한 주인공의 목소리가 담긴 음원 CD로 구성하였다. 단어 하나를 아는 것 만으로도 그 장면이 쉬워질 수 있다는 것을 체험하게 된다.그리고 Prison Break의 첫 번째 시즌, 총 22개의 Episode에 걸쳐서 자주 반복되는 패턴을 Episode마다 8개씩 뽑아 해당 대사(DVD시간 수록)와 함께, 생생한 주인공의 목소리가 담긴 음원 CD로 구성하였다. 해당 패턴의 예문으로 Prison Break 시즌1-3 내의 다른 예문과 함께 소개해 놓았다. 또한 드라마에 자주 등장하고 현지에서 쓰이는 생생 구어체가 시즌1의 Episode22편에 걸쳐서 고루 들어 있다. Episode마다 영어회화에 유익한 구어체 표현 14-15개를 선별해 각 Episode별로 테스트해볼 수 있는 코너를 마련하여 본인이 모르는 표현만 집중하여 공부할 수 있도록 구성하였다.
Episode 1. PILOT 첫회
단어 commandment∥fish∥cellie∥aint∥magna cum laude∥ghostwrite∥smart-ass
패턴 Can I...? ∥ Ive already p.p. ∥ Will you...? ∥ You want to...? ∥ Im -ing ∥ Im -ing ∥ What were you -ing ∥ You got...
구어체 Gotcha. ∥ Come again? ∥ Good to know. ∥ You name it. ∥ Beat it. ∥ Nice try. ∥ Are you having second thoughts? ∥ Give it time. ∥ Ill take my chances. ∥ I gave him a shot. ∥ Do I know you? ∥ I get it. ∥ Wrap it up. ∥ You got spine. ∥ Fill me in.
Episode 2. ALLEN 앨런
단어 contingency ∥ rave review ∥ bleacher ∥ slam dunk ∥ felon ∥ scumbag ∥ the benefit of the doubt ∥ lockdown
패턴 think about -ing ∥ Im done -ing ∥ You got...? ∥ Im gonna ∥ You used to... ∥ All I need is... ∥ would like to... ∥ Could you...?
구어체 Youre a hell of a strategist. ∥ What do you think? ∥ Itll pass. ∥ Says who? ∥ Hand it over. ∥ I got news for you. ∥ Ill pass. ∥ Not exactly. ∥ Its an honor. ∥ Put a sock in it. ∥ I want in. ∥ Its not what you think. ∥ I got high that night. ∥ A mans life is at stake. ∥ Better late than never.
Episode 3. CELL TEST 휴대폰 테스트
단어 I. A. ∥ leap of faith ∥ bottomless pit ∥ extenuating ∥ pristine ∥ conjugal ∥ reasonable doubt
패턴 You should... ∥ You have to... ∥ Ill... myself ∥ be not gonna cut it ∥ I think... ∥ Dont hesitate to... ∥ Im trying to... ∥ I dont know if...
구어체 Ill take it from here. ∥ You cant be serious. ∥ Youre one sick puppy. ∥ Theyve gotten to you, havent they? ∥ She got spooked. ∥ No priors. ∥ Got it? ∥ What difference does it make? ∥ Lets cut to the chase. ∥ That went well. ∥ Couldnt put my finger on it. ∥ Bygones be bygones. ∥ Im not really following. ∥ You got a problem with that? ∥ Just a heads-up.
Episode 4. CUTE POISON 즉석 독극물
단어 halfway house ∥ quack ∥ corroborate ∥ shrink ∥ con ∥ junkie ∥ legwork
패턴 be in charge (of)... ∥ be supposed to... ∥ Ill be (right)... ∥ should have p.p. ∥ make + 목적어 + do ∥ All Im saying is... ∥ I dont know what to... ∥ Youve gotta...
구어체 On your feet. ∥ Lets get on with it. ∥ Whatever. ∥ Get out of the way. ∥ Youre acting funny. ∥ If thats all right with you. ∥ The engagements off. ∥ You always were a lousy liar. ∥ Youre seein things. ∥ I know you got a soft spot for the guy. ∥ Make it quick. ∥ Bite me. ∥ Lets just put it this way. ∥ Ill make you a bet. ∥ Couldnt be better.
Episode 5. ENGLISH, FITZ OR PERCY 잉글리시, 핏츠, 혹은 퍼시
단어 petition ∥ constitutional right ∥ motion ∥ doctor ∥ physical ∥ spitting image ∥ illegitimate ∥ addict
패턴 Why do I get the feeling...? ∥ Im not the one (who)... ∥ What if...? ∥ have a hard time -ing ∥ All due respect... ∥ must be... ∥ even if ∥ That depends on...
구어체 Thats up to you. ∥ Whats your deal? ∥ You got company. ∥ What for? ∥ Sounds to me like youre reaching. ∥ Take your pick. ∥ You mean in in? ∥ Thanks for bringing that up. ∥ Its all about timing. ∥ Youve got one up on me. ∥ What do you say we call it a day? ∥ Here we go again. ∥ The less you know, the better. ∥ You hear me? ∥ This cant be it.
Episode 6. RIOTS, DRILLS AND THE DEVIL- PART1 폭동, 드릴과 악마 (1)
단어 cuff ∥ get-well ∥ co-counsel ∥ anonymous ∥ cross-examine ∥ P.I. ∥ frostbite
패턴 I appreciate... ∥ All we got is... ∥ How do we...? ∥ Just so you know... ∥ What do you say...? ∥ You could... ∥ Im sorry about -ing ∥ You better...
구어체 Dont pick up. ∥ Never mind. ∥ No screw-ups. ∥ Never came up. ∥ Its just the right size. ∥ Ill catch up with you later. ∥ Hes faking it. ∥ I dont blame them. ∥ You really let me down. ∥ Youll be good as new. ∥ Give it to me straight. ∥ Ill be damned. ∥ Finders keepers. ∥ Roger that. ∥ Not to worry.
Episode 7. RIOTS, DRILLS AND THE DEVIL- PART2 폭동, 드릴과 악마 (2)
단어 protocol ∥ hostage ∥ paper trail ∥ egg beater ∥ terrace ∥ leverage ∥ parking garage ∥ happy hour
패턴 How the hell...? ∥ Let me know (when)... ∥ its time to... ∥ might be... ∥ no matter how... ∥ (Have) You ever p.p.? ∥ I hope... ∥ be worth it
구어체 Any word from the Governor? ∥ by the book ∥ I swear to God. ∥ Ill cover for you. ∥ What does that tell you? ∥ Only a matter of time. ∥ Just cut the crap. ∥ How do you swing that? ∥ Im on your side now. ∥ Im just going with the flow. ∥ Just dont make a scene. ∥ Leave me out of this. ∥ Scared the hell out of me! ∥ Right on. ∥ Nice ride.
Episode 8. THE OLD HEAD 우두머리
단어 electric chair ∥ solitary ∥ on-ramp ∥ textbook ∥ detail ∥ arsonist ∥ blemish ∥ ballistics
패턴 Im here to... ∥ All weve got to do is... ∥ This is the part where... ∥ any minute ∥ have p.p. since... ∥ Word is... ∥ cant afford... ∥ Now that...
구어체 Youre gonna meet me halfway. ∥ pull the strings ∥ Im feelin left out. ∥ What a shame. ∥ out of the picture ∥ give somebody a hand ∥ sweet on somebody ∥ Taken care of. ∥ We gotta turn T-Bag in. ∥ Still M.I.A. ∥ Correct me if Im wrong. ∥ We really shouldve seen it coming. ∥ Just stick with me. ∥ You set me up! ∥ They were good times.
Episode 9. TWEENER 트위너
단어 jurisdiction ∥ death row ∥ bulls eye ∥ crosshairs ∥ knight in shining armor ∥ get-go ∥ heartbeat ∥ foul
패턴 Youll have to... ∥ cant be... ∥ When it comes to... ∥ What do you think...? ∥ quit -ing ∥ Looks like... ∥ couldve p.p.... ∥ Turns out...
구어체 Youre talking to the wrong man. ∥ One piece at a time. ∥ Go easy. ∥ I didnt want to make waves. ∥ Shed roll over in her grave. ∥ mean business ∥ Your brothers gonna give us away. ∥ Somehow I doubt that. ∥ Youre yesterdays news. ∥ Hang in there. ∥ Do the math. ∥ Dont get me wrong. ∥ You dont have the guts. ∥ I call the shots.
Episode 10. SLEIGHT OF HAND 재빠른 손재주
단어 chow ∥ castrate ∥ caller ID ∥ admirer ∥ exonerate ∥ lost cause ∥ sham ∥ voila
패턴 get used to... ∥ the -er, the -er ∥ in case... ∥ keep -ing ∥ You dont..., do you? ∥ half a... ∥ Something tells me... ∥ I got nothing to...
구어체 Lets get something clear. ∥ I dont give a damn. ∥ Im kind of short on friends. ∥ Hes gonna go down in flames. ∥ Sign me up. ∥ Dont mess this up. ∥ Whats the occasion? ∥ Its not a big deal. ∥ You are all set. ∥ How you holdin up? ∥ Were gonna beat this thing. ∥ Give it up. ∥ You scratch my back, I scratch yours. ∥ Consider it done. ∥ Toes are overrated.
Episode 11. AND THEN THERE WERE 7 그리고 일곱 명이 있었다
단어 pack rat ∥ fusilli ∥ medical kit ∥ flight risk ∥ seizure ∥ change of heart ∥ INS ∥ loose end
패턴 (I) Thought you were... ∥ Were gonna get 사람 to 장소... ∥ How come...? ∥ Let me... ∥ You never know... ∥ too... to... ∥ Make sure... ∥ find it...
구어체 You want us to wave the white flag? ∥ Youre up next. ∥ Whatever you say. ∥ All clear. ∥ My car is totaled. ∥ I mustve dozed off. ∥ Tell you what. ∥ I think we caught a break. ∥ No offense. ∥ Its every man for himself. ∥ Im on it. ∥ Put your cards on the table. ∥ Let me finish. ∥ We got off on the wrong foot. ∥ I could not agree more.
Episode 12. ODD MAN OUT 한 명 빼기
단어 conspiracy ∥ insurance policy ∥ admit ∥ lookout ∥ kiddo ∥ thin out ∥ proclivity ∥ stall
패턴 You cant... ∥ a whole lot -er... ∥ Mind if I...? ∥ You just happened to... ∥ Would you mind -ing...? ∥ see someone -ing ∥ You dont have to... ∥ Im tired of -ing
구어체 One of us has to take a hike. ∥ Odd men out. ∥ Maybe somewhere down the road. ∥ Are you there yet? ∥ One thing led to another. ∥ Ill be back in ten minutes. ∥ Visiting time is up. ∥ None of your business. ∥ Its never too late. ∥ Its for your own good. ∥ Keep an eye on it. ∥ As soon as possible. ∥ Thats my boy. ∥ We should give it a shot. ∥ I want you to give me your word.
Episode 13. END OF THE TUNNEL 터널의 끝
단어 superior court ∥ informant ∥ ammo ∥ elaborate ∥ errand ∥ handpicked ∥ penitentiary ∥ dime
패턴 ...away from ∥ I deserve to... ∥ Why dont we...? ∥ Thats all... ∥ be ready to... ∥ Youre saying...? ∥ Lets see... ∥ I didnt mean to...
구어체 Stay with me. ∥ I dont think you heard me. ∥ We got a clear shot. ∥ You got to do what you got to do. ∥ Blow the whistle on your own escape? ∥ Its now or never. ∥ Id be lyin if I said I wasnt. ∥ I want to be out of here yesterday. ∥ Were in business. ∥ Put Mommy on the phone. ∥ Do you need me to pick you up? ∥ Itd mean a lot to him. ∥ Came to your senses? ∥ Dont catch a sniffle. ∥ On what grounds?
Episode 14. THE RAT 밀고자
단어 bust ∥ I.V. ∥ twofer ∥ far-fetched ∥ the bar ∥ eleventh hour ∥ bird-dog ∥ alleged
패턴 Its not like... ∥ Can you tell me...? ∥ Im told that... ∥ have (got) something on ones mind ∥ Im afraid... ∥ I wish + 과거... ∥ Once... ∥ I knew (that)...
구어체 Felt sick again. ∥ Suit yourselves. ∥ You seem to be one light. ∥ I wish them the best of luck. ∥ Im the last person... ∥ I know you were counting on this. ∥ Can you look out for my brother? ∥ Just staying out of trouble. ∥ Were square. ∥ Were good to go. ∥ You got me. ∥ I feel for Ms. Donovan. ∥ Save it. ∥ You were saying? ∥ I cant take it anymore.
Episode 15. BY THE SKIN & THE TEETH 가까스로
단어 chambers ∥ autopsy ∥ appendix ∥ hoax ∥ exhume ∥ shooting range ∥ stunt ∥ word hole
패턴 I dont know how... ∥ I would have p.p. ∥ Why would he...? ∥ I was wondering if... ∥ Theres a reason... ∥ I dont think... ∥ Dont you...? ∥ help + 사람 + 동사
구어체 There were only half a dozen people in that room. ∥ Not so fast. ∥ Were back where we started. ∥ No kidding. ∥ My hands are stinging. ∥ Sort of. ∥ Were sitting ducks. ∥ My leg fell asleep. ∥ Constructions a sweet gig. ∥ Doesnt really ring a bell. ∥ Close one. ∥ Its driving me crazy. ∥ Yours definitely takes the cake. ∥ I gotta hit the head. ∥ My bad.
Episode 16. BROTHER’S KEEPER 보호자
단어 be on your high horse ∥ H.R. ∥ benefit ∥ loft ∥ verdict ∥ Uncle Sam ∥ nervous wreck ∥ opening
패턴 Is there anything...? ∥ You sound like... ∥ blame somebody for... ∥ owe somebody something ∥ Im telling you... ∥ plan on -ing ∥ Cant you...? ∥ Dont you...
구어체 Been a while. ∥ Grab some lunch at Fascasttis? ∥ Lets not kid ourselves. ∥ Michael never cared much for blondes. ∥ I need you to straighten me out. ∥ A deals a deal. ∥ Ill call you a cab. ∥ Whatever it takes. ∥ I kept it to myself. ∥ What part of move on dont you get? ∥ Dont you look lovely this evening. ∥ Ive never been happier. ∥ The thing is... ∥ I am calling the whole thing off. ∥ Youve been through a lot.
Episode 17. J-CAT 정신병자
단어 hiccup ∥ orderly ∥ satellite ∥ rogue ∥ patsy ∥ fanatic ∥ casualty ∥ medic
패턴 Which means... ∥ could use... ∥ How about you...? ∥ This is (not) about... ∥ As soon as ∥ if I were you... ∥ You dont want to... ∥ give somebody something...
구어체 Any luck? ∥ Im working on it. ∥ Hit road. ∥ Im tryin to break bread with the man. ∥ All the porn you can watch. ∥ That was the whole point. ∥ Sorry I busted up the party. ∥ Ill get it done. ∥ Theyre going to slip up. ∥ Dont let them break you. ∥ Thats easy for you to say. ∥ All of our asses are on the line. ∥ Frisk him! ∥ Theyre up to something. ∥ Youre going to have to take a rain check on that one.
Episode 18. BLUFF 속임수
단어 mandatory ∥ outlive ∥ attempted ∥ arraign ∥ minor ∥ outstanding ∥ marker ∥ down payment
패턴 I need you to... ∥ I hear... ∥ I dont care... ∥ manage to... ∥ Its time + 주어 + 과거동사 ∥ Every time... ∥ I end up... ? Why dont you...?
구어체 You thinking what Im thinking? ∥ I guess bails out of the question. ∥ Its a million-to-one shot. ∥ Ill put it out there. ∥ Have I made myself clear? ∥ Heres the thing. ∥ Is that so? ∥ Thats what this is all about. ∥ Be in touch. ∥ Did you take your meds? ∥ Youre just telling me what I want to hear. ∥ How did it go? ∥ Why didnt you plug it in? ∥ I bet you dont. ∥ What gives?
Episode 19. THE KEY 열쇠
단어 yearbook ∥ setback ∥ pronto ∥ critical ∥ hoop ∥ grand larceny ∥ truce ∥ accomplice
패턴 No more... ∥ gonna be able to... ∥ Any idea...? ∥ It takes... ∥ How many times...? ∥ be willing to... ∥ Would you...? ∥ Theres a chance...
구어체 We had to put her down. ∥ One minute she was breathing, and the next she wasnt. ∥ No sweat. ∥ Lets get to it. ∥ Where (are) you comin from? ∥ Makes two of us. ∥ You and I can work somethin out. ∥ You got a point there. ∥ Now were even. ∥ Loud and clear. ∥ Im havin a going-out-of-business sale. ∥ Want me to call him off? ∥ Send him in. ∥ Is there something wrong? ∥ I think I have a pretty good idea.
Episode 20. TONIGHT 오늘밤
단어 bunk ∥ say-so ∥ head start ∥ title ∥ veto ∥ abet ∥ camouflage ∥ rap sheet
패턴 either... or... ∥ How much time...? ∥ should be... ∥ The question is... ∥ I want you to... ∥ Lets just say... ∥ Im sure (that)... ∥ have + somebody + do
구어체 Three days should be plenty of time. ∥ Thatll work. ∥ Hes got no clue. ∥ Put it in your will. ∥ Enough. ∥ What are you after? ∥ Things could get messy. ∥ Are you picking up what Im putting down? ∥ We got company. ∥ Thatd be me. ∥ I wouldnt recommend it. ∥ To what do I owe the pleasure? ∥ That was just the booze talking. ∥ Grow up. ∥ Well keep you posted.
Episode 21. GO 출발
단어 earful ∥ conference call ∥ grump ∥ coveralls ∥ the sticks ∥ punch in ∥ silo ∥ lowball
패턴 Should we...? ∥ I feel like... ∥ this whole time ∥ tell somebody to do ∥ Thats how... ∥ How can you...? ∥ Youre sure...? ∥ be about to...
구어체 You cant possibly get away with this. ∥ Copy that. ∥ Theres no going back now. ∥ I got a late start. ∥ Ill be up all night. ∥ I agreed to keep tabs on you. ∥ Age before beauty. ∥ Youre acting like youre still in charge. ∥ I set it off. ∥ false alarm ∥ The Company is selling me down the river. ∥ Take your time. ∥ You can make it. ∥ Give Anna her papas love. ∥ Dont look back.
Episode 22. FLIGHT 비행
단어 J-Cat ∥ stutter ∥ death warrant ∥ bill ∥ Oval Office ∥ wiretap ∥ accessory ∥ three-legged race
패턴 have (got) something to do with... ∥ long enough to know... ∥ As far as I can tell... ∥ What about...? ∥ better be... ∥ Theres no way... ∥ must have p.p. ∥ I suggest that...
구어체 Every last one of em. ∥ This time were playing for keeps. ∥ Lets get moving! ∥ I just landed in Montana. ∥ Give it to me straight. ∥ Ill freeze to death! ∥ Behind the wheel. ∥ Lock wasnt picked. ∥ Spit it out! ∥ Tell me something I dont know. ∥ Sara had a thing for Scofield. ∥ That wont do us any good. ∥ Well be on our way in no time. ∥ Weve got them boxed in.
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- 네모네모로직 Vol.13
- Dolphin Readers Starter : Baby Animals - Activity Book
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- 시도니아의 기사 9
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- [대여] 인간실격·사양 - 문예 세계문학선 036
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- 엑셀 자동 트레이딩 시스템
- 셜록의 기억력을 훔쳐라 + 뇌가 섹시해지는 책
- 초등코치 천일문 GRAMMAR 2
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- 화성의 마술사
- 화두 놓고 염불하세
- 고득점 독해를 위한 중학 구문 마스터 Level 2
- 배트맨 2 : 올빼미 도시
일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | ||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
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16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
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